Hersberger, Julie. The homeless and Information needs and services


This article is old now but provides an interesting list of information needs of people experiencing homelessness

So pretty much the same as everyone else. But it does make the point that these groups of people are not homogenous and their needs must be ascertained as men as any other user group. This is something I can help with working out what their needs are and what barriers exist that get in the way of libraries meeting those needs.

Another important point is that libraries may not have all the answers to their information needs, but they should know who does so the role of information referral becomes very important.

The author also makes the point that the difference between a library staff member providing a

Service that makes the patron feel welcome or a nuisance is the attitude of the staff member.This is a good reason to work to understand Library staff attitudes as their feelings about working with homeless patrons is pivotal to the experience of the patron and in the success of what the Library can do.


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