Regional and rural homelessness podcast

This podcast is is from the Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health and has guest speakers talking about homelessness in regional cities and in remote areas. Its focus is on NSW, but it will hild true for all parts of Australia. 

The speakers are Tamara Pallos from Homelessness NSW, Penny Dordoy from Housing Plus, and Talie Star. Talie currently facilitates the Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Lived Experience Group with Homelessness NSW.

One thing I learned from this is that there is a stream of people who leave psychiatric hospitals into homelessness. There were some stats mentioned that give a clue of the size of this. This could be used in an article about the characteristics of homelessness that libraries could be involved in. 

One speaker (Penny?) mentioned that one of the greatest ways we can assist people experiencing homelessness is to give them connections back to their communities - to reduce their feelings of isolation and not belonging. Libraries could help with this. 


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