Home to Health - School of Population and Global Health, The University of Western Australia

I recieved an email from Donna Quinn from the School of Population and Global Health at the Uni WA about a program her group has evaluated. The program is a collaboration between a church based charity, St Pat's Community Support Centre, and the Fremantle Public Library where a community worker is placed in the Fremantle Library to provide services on behalf of St Pat's. This link: 


provides some excellent stats and data about how many people have been helped by the service and what needs they were presenting with. 

There is an interesting section that provides some information about why being based out of a library is more successful than being based out of St Pat's directly. Some great quotes from users of the service here: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5f2a1e961ace4d22632eec49/t/61948e2c200eb6584120d238/1637125681749/Library+Connect+Snapshot+Oct+2021%5B35485%5D.pdf 

Donna's email is: donna.quinn@uwa.edu.au I emailed her back today and told her about the Geisler article in LQ as she might be interested in reading it.

In her reply she mentioned that the worker in Fremantle is not a social worker, but is a qualified psychologist with experience and qualifications in community services and alcohol and drugs.



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